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Monday, February 2, 2009

Oscar Grant , Juarez, Mexico and More

Dear friends,

We created this public group blog that welcomes people of all genders, races and ages. In the interest of working for equality, this public group blog has an emphasis on feminism, women's empowerment, financially disadvantaged children and marginalized people's voices and direct action worldwide. That is why the website address is For more information click on the 'History' or the 'Oscar Grant' tab at the top of the page. For information about PeaceCommunities please visit

Love, Peace, Solidarity,

-Peace Communities Solidarity Blog Writers


A PhotoJourney of Pain: Our World of Dreams Does Not Include Police Carrying Guns

I Will Remember, Marcella Sali Grace. You Remember, Marcella Sali Grace. Remember, Marcella Sali Grace. Demand an End to Lethal Violence & Femicide , Juarez Mexico.

The Spanish version of the article is below:

En Espanol:Me Acordare, Te Acuerdas, Acuerdate, Acuerdate, Marcella Sali Grace. Exigimos El Fin De La Violencia Letal Y El Feminicidio, Juarez, Mexico.

can network worldwide.

I Will Remember, Marcella Sali Grace. You Remember, Marcella Sali Grace. Remember, Marcella Sali Grace. Demand an End to Lethal Violence & Femicide

I Will Remember, Juarez, Mexico, Women. [Me Acordare, Juarez, Mexico, Women, Mujeres]
You Remember, Juarez, Mexico, Women. [Te Acuerdas Juarez, Mexico, Women, Mujeres.]

Remember, Juarez, Mexico, Women. [Acuerdate, Juarez, Mexico, Women, Mujeres.]

I Will Remember, Marcella Sali Grace. [Me Acordare, Marcella Sali Grace.]
You Remember, Marcella Sali Grace. [Te Acuerdas Marcella Sali Grace.]

Remember, Marcella Sali Grace. [Acuerdate, Marcella Sali Grace.]

(Love) el amor,
-T -T

[Spanish version of this article found by clicking here.]


The Portland, Oregon, punk band Adelit@s, have a short, powerful song they wrote for Marcella Sali Grace who was murdered in Oaxaca. You will hear that the song is in Spanish, but you'll find both the Spanish and English versions of the lyrics are after the link.

Adelit@s - "La Que Lucho" [download]

"La Que Lucho"

cuantas mujeres han dado sus vidas

en la lucha por la liberacion
siglos y siglos de guerrilleras peleando
a pesar de la marginacion.

hoy nos toca hacer la historia de otra camarada
que en el camino quedo
porque cantando se rompe el silencio,

el veneno amargo del olvido.

asesino! robador de luz y esperanza
asesino! producto de la cultura patriarca
imperdonables! los actos cometidos
imperdonable! sistema que ensena el sexismo.

quiero decirte hermana

que no estas sola y no lo estaras
inspirador ejemplo
en nosostr@s viviendo seguiras

y en l@s que vienen atras
porque tu gente siempre te recordara
en nuestros gritos gritaras,
companera - descansa en paz...

La que lucho
por la vida
no se le llama muerta
y tampoco morira (3x)

marcela sali
fue asesinada
apenas 20 anos
y su vida se apago
pero el recuerdo no,
el recuerdo no...

"She who struggled"

How many women have given their lives
to the struggle for liberation?
Centuries and centuries of warriors fighting
in spite of marganalization.
Today we're singing the story
of another comrade who remained behind on the path

Because singing we break the silence,
the bitter poison of forget.

Killer! theif of light and hope
Killer! product of patriarchal culture
Unforgivable! what you did
Unforgivable! culture that teaches sexism

I want to tell you sister
that youre not alone, and you never will be
Inspiring example, in us you will continue to live
And in those who come later
because your people will never forget you.
In our screams you will scream

Companera rest in peace.

She who struggled
for life
is not called 'dead'
nor will she die

Marcela sali
was murdered
just 20 years old
and her life was extinguished
But the memory no

the memory no

Justice for Sali/Justicia para Sali!
by Oaxacan collectives ( rebeldiasentrelazadas [at] )

Our hearts are full of sadness and rage because our sister Sali was brutally raped and murdered 20 minutes from San Jose del Pacifico and up to this moment the Oaxacan Attorney General's Office, as is its custom, is not doing anything regarding the fact that there exist witnesses who have information to identify those responsible.


It should also be noted...
For more than a decade, the city of Juarez, near the US-Mexico border, has been a killing field for young women, the site of nearly 400 unsolved murders and many more abductions. Despite the horrific nature of these crimes, authorities at all levels exhibit indifference, and there is strong evidence that some officials may be involved in the crimes. Impunity and corruption has permitted the criminals, whoever they are, to continue committing these acts, knowing there will be no consequences.


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